How Long Weed Stays In Your Body
- Published on April 12, 2023
What is THC?
How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System?
It’s hard to say exactly how long weed stays in your system on an individual level due to a variety of factors such as frequency of use, body mass index, physical activity level, and personal body physiology. However, there are some general guidelines for each type of test. Not surprisingly, frequency of use was the biggest determining factor in how long weed actually stays in your system, with some reports stating that weed can be detected for up to 100 days in the urine test of a heavy user. Below is a chart to quantify some of these guidelines:
How Long is Cannabis Detectable in a Drug Test?
How the Different Tests Compare?
3 Key Factors That Affect How Long Weed Stays in Your System?
1. Body Mass Index
2. Metabolism
3. Frequency and Potency
The more often you use cannabis, the longer it takes to clear the body. Additionally, the stronger the weed you are consuming, the longer it takes to clear the body. It is thought, although not proven, that consuming high levels of THC via ingestion takes longer to exit the body than by simply smoking.
While testing methods differ and many factors can affect the amount of time THC or any cannabis compound stays in your system, it’s important to take note of personal body physiology and allow enough time to completely clear weed from your system.
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